Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 11th, 2009--Changed Forever

I am now 15 weeks, 5 days pregnant with baby number eight. I went in to see my OB and he did an ultrasound in which we found a problem with our sweet baby. She, yes she, has a partially developed brain. The outlook is not good. I know I serve a BIG GOD and He is going to walk me, Stuart, and our family through this. I am praying for a miracle, but barring that I am praying for His strength to guide me as I go day by day. We have an in-depth ultrasound at Shands at UF tomorrow afternoon and will be talking with a specialist. Please pray for our sweet baby girl and our family.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13 When Doctor M said there was a problem with our baby this verse was the first thing that came to mind. I repeated it three times. God was good to speak to me in my time of need.


Desiree said...

Hey nancy,

we continue to lift you guys up.


Unknown said...

God bless you and your family.