Friday, March 26, 2010

Fridays are Donut Day & Purple Day

Eden Joy (3.5 yrs) with me Every Friday we get donuts in honor of Kara Faith. We started this tradition when she was 1 week old and still in the NICU. We would celebrate each week she was with us with Krispy Kreme Donuts. Yum! Also, since her color is lavender/purple we like to wear it on Fridays. Kara Faith was born on a Friday and went to Jesus on a Friday, so it's a pretty special day around here!


Mary said...

Great traditions that I hope you keep up for a long time!

Bethany L. said...

Nancy, that is just the very best, prettiest and sweetest picture of you and Eden(?) I love it, and I love the traditions you have, too.
Praying hard for you as you try to readjust to daily life and homeschooling and going on without sweet precious little Kara.

Cheryl Pitt said...

Nancy, that's the best tradition to help everyone know she's gone from this world only and definitely not forgotten. ((HUGS))

HeavenlyHome said...

Found you from raising arrows. My angel baby left us almost 4 months my heart and arms long for her,....
we do pink cupcakes to remember her!!!

Anonymous said...

Although I don't know you all, I think I will start to wear purple on fridays too.

HeavenlyHome said...

You've been in my heart this week! Thanks for your comment on my blog. It does my spirit good to know there are other mommas out there walking this road...May the Lord bless each of us. I am hugging you in my heart.

homeschool101 said...

What a great tradition to keep with you in honor of Kara.. She was and still is a special little girl. I am so thankful to of ran across this blog from the beginning.. Thank you for sharing with us.. You are truly and inspiration to me and I know to many. :)

Laura said...

Thinking of you sweet to see your smile.

Sending love!
